
Day 1 (27 Oct. 2001)

Moderator: V. Rogiers, ecopa Working Group, B

Belgian Minister for Consumer Protection, Public Health and Environment, Mrs M. Aelvoet
08:45The Whitebook Strategy for a Future Chemical Policy: Intentions of the Commission
G. Vogelgesang, DG Environment, B
09:15The European Whitebook on chemicals: Start into an Area of Alternatives to Animal Experimentation?
B. Garthoff, ecopa working group D
09:45View of the (European) Chemical Industry and CEFIC
R. Taalman, CEFIC, B
10:15Coffee break

Moderator: P. Maier, ecopa Working Group, CH

10:45View of the Animal Welfare Associations
U. Sauer, EUROGROUP for Animal Welfare, D
11:15View of a Toxicologist
Ph. Botham, ECETOC, UK
11:45View of an Institution for Implementation of Alternatives
H. Spielmann, Zebet, D
12:15View of Environmental Associations
NN (WWF/Greenpeace)

Moderator: J. Castell, ecopa Working Group, E

14:00Policy on Chemicals: is there a Right or Wrong ?
J. Huggard, Weinberg Cons., B
14:30A governmental View: Torn between Environmental Concern and Lab Animal Death ?
E. Sandberg, Ministry of Environment, S
15:00Coffee Break
15:30Possibilities for prescreening alternatives
E. Walum, Stockholm University, S
15:50In silico prediction of harmful effects triggered by chemicals
A. Vedani, CH
16:00Podium Discussion: The Way Forward ?
Moderator: L. Bansil, P&G, U
E. Walum, Stockholm University, S
K. Gabrielson, Ecopa working group, S
G. Vollmer, ECBD, IRC, I
H. Bolt, Ifado, D
17:00Coffee Break

Moderators: P. Maier, and J. Castell ecopa Working Group, CH and E

17:30Preparatory Session on the Founding of ecopa:
Statutes, Proposals of Working Group
18:30End of Day 1
19:00Cocktail and Dinner

Day 2 , 28 Oct. 2001 (Foundation Session of ecopa)

Moderators: V. Rogiers and B. Garthoff, ecopa working group, B and G

08:30Board Elections
10:00First ecopa-Activities
splitting-up of participants in 2 groups to work on proposals for ecopa initiatives with guidance by H. Spielmann (D) and C. Hendriksen (NL).
10.10-10.40: Chemical Whitebook
10.40-11.10: 6th- Framework Program
11.10-11.40: Education/Information Program on Alternatives
11:40Presentation of proposals by group 1
12:10Presentation of proposals by group 2
12:40Closure of 2nd ecopa Workshop
14:30Brunch and Departure



Affilitations of ecopa Working Group:

Prof. Jose V. Castell
Centro de Investigacion
Hospital Universitari La Fe
Avenida de Campanar 21
E – 46009 Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: ++34-96-38 68 748
Fax: ++34-96-38 68 718
E-mail: jose.castell@uv.es

Dr. Peter Maier
Stiftung Forschung 3R
Postfach 1372
CH-3110 Münsingen (Switzerland)
Tel.: ++41-79-365 8431
Fax: ++41-31-722 0834
E-mail: research.3r@bluewin.ch

Mrs. Karin Gabrielson
Swedish Fund for Research without Animal Experiments
Gamla Huddingevägen 437
S-12542 Älvsjö (Sweden)
Tel.: ++46-8-749 03 43
Fax: ++46-8-749 13 40
E-mail: karin@stifud.a.se

Prof. Dr. Apr. V. Rogiers
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
Department of Toxicology
Laarbeeklaan 103,
B-1090 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel.: ++32-2-477 45 16
Fax: ++32-2-477 45 82
E-mail: vera@fafy.vub.ac.be

Dr. Bernward Garthoff
Bayer AG
Head Ressort Business Strategy
Business Group Crop Protection
Research Center Monheim
D-51368 Leverkusen (Germany)
Tel.: ++49-2173-38 37 73
Fax: ++49-2173-38 36 66
E-mail: bernward.garthoff.bg@bayer-ag.de

Dr. Arthur van Iersel
Dutch Programme on Alternatives to Animal Testing
ZorgOnderzoek Nederland/Health Research and Development Council
P.O. Box 84129
2508 AC Den Haag (The Netherlands)
Tel: (++31) 70 306 8248
Fax: (++31) 70 306 8206
E-mail: arthur.vaniersel@zon.nl