Initiative to ‘AXLR8’ the move toward a pathway-based paradigm in toxicology
[page_title] The FP7 Health programme is funding a coordination initiative called AXLR8 (‘accelerate’) to assist in the monitoring of EU-funded 3Rs research activities and related international initiatives with the aim of accelerating the transition to a toxicity pathway-based paradigm for chemical safety assessment through internationally coordinated research and technology development. The first AXLR8 scientific workshop […]
START-UP project comes to an end
[page_title] The FP7-funded support action START-UP (Scientific and Technological Issues in 3Rs Alternatives Research in The Process of Drug Development and Union Politics) officially concluded in April. Developed on the initiative of ecopa and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel with collaboration from several national consensus platforms, the aim of START-UP was to identify and make recommendations […]