
Dr. Hans J. Ahr
Bayer Health Care AG
Research Toxicology
D-42096 Wuppertal (Germany)
Tel: ++49-202-364256
Fax: ++49-202-364137
E-mail: hans-juergen.ahr.ha@bayer-ag.de

Dr. Bruce Alexander
Ramsgate Road,
Margate, Kent, CT9 4JY, (United Kingdom)
Tel: +44-(0)1843-22 24 04
Fax: +44-(0)1843-22 94 13
E-mail: Bruce.alexander@thor.com

Dr. J.P. Beaufays
Fondation Prince Laurent
Avenue Paul Deschanellaan 36-38
B-1030 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-2449705
Fax: +32-2-2430947
E-mail: bpam@fondation-prince-laurent.be

Dr. Jean Belot
Federal Public Service
Public Health, Food Chain Security and Environment
19 boulevard Pacheco
B-1010 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32-22105132
Fax: +32-2-2105061
E-mail: jean.belot@health.fgov.be

Dr. Ninna Berg
Safety & Toxicology
Novozymes A/S
Krogshoejvej 36, 1CS.19
DK-2880 Bagsvaerd (Denmark)
Tel: +45-44-422459
Fax: +45-44-421238
E-mail: nib@novozymes.com

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Kay Brune
Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Fahrstrasse 17
91054 Erlangen (Germany)
Tel: +49-9131-85-22292
Fax: +49-9131-85-22774
E-mail: brune@pharmakologie.uni-erlangen.de

Mr. Abraão Carvalho
European Commission,
DG Enterprise – Unit F3
B-1049 Bruxelles (Belgium)
Tel: +32 2 295 73 97
Fax: +32 2 296 64 67
E-mail: abraao.carvalho@cec.eu.int

Prof. Jose V. Castell
Dep. De Bioquimica Fac. Medicina
Centro de Investigacion
Hospital Universitari La Fe
Avenida de Campanar 21
E – 46009 Valencia (Spain)
Tel: +34-96-197 3048
Fax: +34-96-197 3018
E-mail: jose.castell@uv.es

Dr. David Cowell
Faculty Research Director
University of the West of England,
Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Faculty Research Office,
Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY
Tel: +44-(0)117 344 2543
Fax: +44-(0)117 344 2132
E-mail: David.Cowell@uwe.ac.uk

Dr. Rita Cortvrindt
Eggcentris N.V.
Kranenberg 6
B-1731 Zellik (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-481 00 30
Fax: +32-2-463 17 06
E-mail: rita.cortvindt@eggcentris.com

Mr. Thomas Dantes
MPI for Infection Biology
Campus Charité Mitte
Schumannstrasse 21/22
D-10117 Berlin (Germany)
Tel: +49-30-28460-259
Fax: +49-30-28460-210
E-mail: dantes@mpiib-berlin.mpg.de

Prof. Tjard de Cock Buning
De Boelelaan 1087
1081 HV Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Tel: +31-20-4447031
Fax: +31-20-447027
E-mail: Tjard.de.Cock.Buning@falw.vu.nl

Dr. Wim de Leeuw
Dutch Alternatives to Animal Experiements Platform
P.O. Box 19506
2500 CM Den Haag (The Netherlands)
Tel: +31-70-4404900
E-mail: wim.de.leeuw@vwa.nl

Dr. Odile de Silva
Scientific External Affairs
Direction Internationale des Fonctions Centrales de la Recherche
25/29 Quai Aulagnier
92600 Asnières (France)
B-1000 Brussel (Belgium)
Tel: +33-01-47 56 89 12
E-mail: odesilva@rd.loreal.com

Dr. Ann De Smedt
J&J PRD, Janssen Pharmaceutical
Turnhoutseweg, 30
B-2340 Beerse (Belgium)
Tel: +32-14-607682
Fax: +32-14-606515
E-mail: adsmedt1@prdbe.jnj.com

Bart De Wever
Business Development Director
SkinEthic Laboratories
45, Rue St. Philippe
06000 Nice (France)
Tel: +33-493-977727
Fax: +33-493-977728
E-mail: bdewever@skinethic.com

Dr. Paul Dierickx
Institute of Public Health
Wytsmanstraat 14
B-1050 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32-02-6425107
Fax: +32-02-6425224
E-mail: P.Dierickx@iph.fgov.be

Dr. Walter Diembeck
Beiersdorf / SCAAT
Unnastr. 48
D-20245 Hamburg (Germany)
Tel: +49-40-4909 2662
Fax: +49+40-4909 3589
E-mail: walter.diembeck@beiersdorf.com

Dr. Elisa Di Pietro
Fondation Prince Laurent
Avenue Paul Deschanellaan 36-38
B-1030 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-2449705
Fax: +32-2-2430947
E-mail: bpam@fondation-prince-laurent.be

Prof. Dr. Erik Dybing
Division of Environmental Medicine
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
P.O. Box 4404 Nydalen
NO-0403 Oslo (Norway)
Tel: +47 22 04 26 37
Fax: +47 22 04 26 86
E-mail: erik.dybing@fhi.no

Dr. Dag Marcus Eide
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
PO Box 4404 Nydalen
NO-0403 Oslo (Norway)
Tel: +47-22 04 22 08
Fax: +47-22 04 25 21
E-mail: Dag.Marcus.Eide@fhi.no

Dr. Cornelia Exner
German Science Foundation
University of Marburg
Karl von Frisch Strasse 8
35034 Marburg (Germany)
Tel.: +49-6421-2823491
Fax: +49-6421-2828937
E-mail: Exner@staff.uni-marburg.de

Dr. Isabelle Fabre
Agence Française de Sécurité des Produits de Santé
Site Montpellier – Vendargues
635, Rue de la Garenne
34740 Vendargues (France)
Tel: +33-04-67.913931
Fax: +33-04-67913982
E-mail: isabelle.fabre@afssaps.sante.fr

Dr. Tom C. J. Feijtel
Procter and Gamble
Temselaan 100
1853 Strombeek-Bever (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-456.2329
ax: +32-2-568.4104
E-mail: feijtel.t@pg.com

Dr. Julia Helen Fentem
Unilever – Safety & Environmental Assurance Centre (SEAC)
Colworth Laboratory,
Bedfordshire MK44 1LQ (United Kingdom)
Tel: +44 (0)1234 264780
Fax: +44 (0)1234 264744
E-mail: Julia.Fentem@unilever.com

Mrs. Karin Gabrielson
Swedish Fund for Research without Animal Experiments
Gamla Huddingevägen 437
S-12542 Älvsjö (Sweden)
Tel.: +46-8-749 03 43
Fax: +46-8-749 13 40
E-mail: karin@stifud.a.se

Dr. Bernward Garthoff
Board Member Technology
Bayer CropScience AG
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 50
D-40789 Monheim (Germany)
Tel: +49-2173-38 37 73
Fax: +49-2173-38 36 66
E-mail: bernward.garthoff@bayercropscience.com

Dr. Robert Guest
Safepharm Laboratories Ltd.
P.O.Box 45
Derby, DE1 2BT (United Kingdom)
Tel: +44-1332-792896
Fax: +44-1332-799018
E-mail: rguest@safepharm.co.uk

Dr. Annekathrin Haberland
FU Berlin
Institut für Pharmazie
Königin-Luise-Str. 2-4
D-14195 Berlin (Germany)
Tel: +49-30-838 54561
Fax: +49-30 838 54399
E-mail: ahaber@zedat.fu-berlin.de

Prof. Thomas Hartung
European Commission
TP 580
I-21020 Ispra (VA) – Italy
Tel: +39-0332-785996
Fax: +39-0332-785939
E-mail: Thomas.Hartung@cec.eu.int

Dr. Marlou Heinen
Wilberforce Way, Southwater
West Sussex RH13 9RS (United Kingdom)
Mobile: + 44 77 3042 7222
E-mail: mheinen@rspca.org.uk

Dr. Christa Hennes
Ave. E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 4, Bte 6
B-1160 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32-(0)2-663381
Fax: +32-(0)2-6753625
E-mail: christa.hennes@ecetoc.org

Dr. Helma Hermans
IVTIP Secretariat
P.O. Box 9143
3007 AC Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Tel: +31-10-482 8306
Tel.: +353-966 4567 91
Fax: +31-10-482 7750
E-mail: ivtip@planet.nl E-mail: sciwricon@terra.es

Dr. Dagmar Jírová
Consensus Platform of the Czech Republic
for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CZecopa)
Na Ûhoru 657/5
CZ-141 00 Praha 4 (Czech Republic)
Tel: +420-602 614 727
Fax. +420-267 082 522
E-mail: djirova@iol.cz

Dr. Martin Kayser
Bayer Health Care AG
D-42096 Wuppertal (Germany)
Tel: +49-202-365003
Fax: +49-202-368151
E-mail: martin.kayser.mk1@bayer-ag.de

Dr. Herman B.W.M. Koëter
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Rue de Genève 10
B – 1140 Bruxelles (Belgium)
Tel : +32-2-337 22 05
E-mail: herman.koeter@efsa.eu.int

Dr. Roman Kolar
German Animal Welfare Federation – Animal Welfare Academy
Spechtstr. 1
D-85579 Neubiberg (Germany)
Tel: +49-89-600 291-0
Fax: +49-89-600 291-15
E-mail: roman.kolar@tierschutzakademie.de

Dr. Janne Kuil
Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals
Floris Grijpstraat 2
Postbus 85980
2508 CR Den Haag (The Netherlands)
Tel: +31-70-3142764
Fax: +31-70-3142777
E-mail: janne.kuil@dierenbescherming.nl

Dr. Beatrice Lucaroni
European Commission
Square de Meeus 8
SDME 9/11
B-1000 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-296 2229
Fax: +32-2-299 1860
E-mail: Beatrice.Lucaroni@cec.eu.int

Prof. Dr. Nicola Loprieno
Genetic Toxicology Laboratory
University of Pisa
Via San Giuseppe 12
I-56126 Pisa (Italy)
Tel: +39-050-552123
Fax: +39-050-555687
E-mail: n.loprieno@geog.unipi.it

Dr. Irene Manou
Ave. Herrmann-Debroux 15 A
B-1160 Brussels (Belgium)
Te.: +32-2-227 6631
Fax: +32-2-227 6627
E-mail: imanou@colipa.be

Prof. Dr. Peter Maier
3R Research Foundation Switzerland
PO Box 1372
CH-3110 Münsingen (Switzerland)
Tel: +41-31-7220830
Fax: +41-31-7217080
E-mail: research.3r@bluewin.ch

Mrs Emily McIvor
European Coalition to End Animal Experiments
16 A Crane Grove
London N7 8NN (United Kingdom)
Tel: +44 7900 225238
E-mail: emily.mcivor@buav.org

Mrs. Marleen Pauwels
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Department of Toxicology
Laarbeeklaan 103
B-1090 Brussel (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-4774594
Fax: +32-2-4774582
E-mail: marleen.pauwels@vub.ac.be

Dr. Terje Peetso
European Commission, DG Sanco
Rue de Genève 1
1140 Bruxelles (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-2987437
Fax: +32-2-2957332
E-mail: terje.peetso@cec.eu.int

Prof. Dr. Walter Pfaller
University of Innsbruck
Institute of Physiology
Fritz-Pregl-Str. 3
A-6010 Innsbruck (Austria)
Tel: +43-512507-3759
Fax: +43-512507-2875
E-mail: walter.pfaller@uibk.ac.at

Mr. Georges Potelle
Bd Jules Graindor 5
B-1070 Bruxelles (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-5242915
Fax: +32-2-5229721
E-mail: georges.potelle@swing.be

Dr. Catherine Preston
Humaniteitslaan 292
B-1190 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-352 92 15
Fax: +32-2-352 93 90
E-mail: catherine.preston@unilever.com

Prof. Wendy Purcell
University of the West of England, Bristol
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Coldharbour Lane
Bristol BS16 1QW (United Kingdom)
Tel: +44-(0)117-3443954
Fax: +44-(0)1173442132
E-mail: wendy.purcell@uwe.ac.uk

Prof. Dr. Vera Rogiers
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
Department of Toxicology
Laarbeeklaan 103
B-1090 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-477 45 16
Fax: +32-2-477 45 82
E-mail: vera@fafy.vub.ac.be

Dr. Christophe Rousselle
Agence Française de Sécurité des Produits de Santé
143/147, Blvd. Anatole France
93235 St. Denis cédex (France)
Tel: +33-01-55874303
Fax: +33-01-55874260
E-mail: christophe.rousselle@afssaps.sante.fr

Dr. Riitta Salmi
Juliana Von Wendt Foundation/NCP Fincopa
82 Vieille rue du Moulin
1180 Bruxelles (Belgium)
Tel: +32-(0)2-3753285
Fax: +32-(0)2-472654780
E-mail: riitta.salmi@belgacom.net

Mrs. Bénédicte Schils
Fondation Prince Laurent
Avenue Paul Deschanellaan 36-38
B-1030 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-2449705
Fax. +32-2-243094
E-mail: bpam@fondation-prince-laurent.be

Dr. Jane Smith
The Boyd Group
PO Box 423
Southsea PO5 1TJ
Tel: +44-23-92738188
E-mail: jane@boyd-group.demon.co.uk

Prof. Dr. Horst Spielmann
ZEBET at the BfR
Diedersdorfer Weg 1
D-12277 Berlin (Germany)
Tel: +49-1888-412-2270
Fax: +49-1888-412-2958
E-mail: zebet@bfr.bund.de
Tel.: ++32-2-376 8228
E-mail: spielmann.zebet@bfr.bund.de

Dr. Annalaura Stammati
Instituto Superiore di Sanita
Viale Regina Elena, 299
00161 – Rome (Italy)
Tel: +39-06-49903158
Fax: +39-06-49387139
E-mail: stammati@iss.it

Dr. Maciej Stepnik
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
8 Teresy Street
Lodz, 90-950 (Poland)
Tel: +48-42-6314 634
Fax: +48-42-6568 331
E-mail: Mstep@imp.lodz.pl

Prof. Dr. Ove Svendsen
Hestehavevej 36 A, Ejby
4623 Lille Skensved (Denmark)
Tel: +45-56861500
Fax: +45-56821202
E-mail: os@scantox.com

Prof. Hanna Tähti
Medical School
University of Tampere
33014 Tampere (Finland)
Tel: +358-3-2156672
Fax: +358-3-2156170
E-mail: hanna.tahti@uta.fi

Dr. Jan van der Valk
Yalelaan 17
3584 CL Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Tel.: +31-30-253 2163
Fax: +31-30-253 9227
E-mail: valk@las.vet.uu.nl

Dr. Arthur A.J. van Iersel
Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development/ZonMw
PO Box 93245
2509 AE The Hague (The Netherlands)
Tel: +31-70-349 5217
Fax: +31-70 349 5389
Cell phone: +31 622 285 258
E-mail: iersel@zonmw.nl

Dr. Philippe Vanparys
Johnson & Johnson
Pharmaceutical Research and Development
Turnhoutseweg 30
B – 2340 Beerse (Belgium)
Tel: +32-14-602936
Fax: +32-14-606515
E-mail: pvanpary@janbe.jnj.com

Mrs. Isolde Vanpoucke
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Department of Toxicology
Laarbeeklaan 103
B-1090 Brussels, (Belgium)
Tel: +32-2-477 4594
Fax: +32-2-477 4582
E-mail: Isolde.vanpoucke@vub.ac.be

Dr. Joan-Albert Vericat
NeuroPharma, S.A.
Avda. de la Industria, 52
E-28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid), Spain
Tel: +34-91-806 1130
Fax: +34-91-803 4660
E-mail: jvericat@neuropharma.es

Dr. M. Flavia Zucco
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche – INEMM
Viale Marx 15-43, Italy
Tel: +39-6-86090365
E-mail: f.zucco@in.rm.cnr.it