
ecopa Annual Assembly

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ecopa Budget Overview

(status November 2005) | PDF: download this presentation

New technology and competitiveness

Stephane Hogan, Head of Unit - Applied Genomics & Biotechnology, Health Directorate, DG Research, European Comission
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New Technologies: Threat or Chance for Alternative Method Development

Bernward Garthoff, DVM, Bayer CropScience AG, Monheim, Germany
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Current testing of nanotechnology products, and requirements for regulatory purposes

Maila Puolaama, Risk Assessment, EC - Health & Consumer Protection DG | PDF: download this presentation (102 kb)

Thinking Small: Nanoparticles in cosmetic preparations - A consumer or occupational health risk?

Gerhard J. Nohynek, M.Sc., Ph.D., D.A.B.T., L'Oreal Global Safety Evaluation | PDF: download this presentation (1218 kb)

ECVAM efforts in nano- and biotechnology

Thomas Hartung & ECVAM Team, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP), Ispra (Va), Italy | PDF: download this presentation (740 kb)

Nanotech and toxicity studies

Peter Hoet, K.U.Leuven, Pneumology, Lung Toxicology | PDF: download this presentation (1578 kb)

Self Organising nanoStructures: an alternative strategy for directed enzyme-prodrug therapies

An Ranquin, Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Interactions, VUB/VIB 6 | PDF: download this presentation (329 kb)

The Toxicology of Nanoparticles

Rodger Duffin, ELEGI Laboratory, QMRI, Edingburgh University, Scotland | PDF: download this presentation (861 kb)

In vitro study of the pulmony translocation of nanoparticles. A preliminary study

Jorina Geys, K.U.Leuven, Unit of Lung Toxicology | PDF: download this presentation (209 kb)

Integrated Project ReProTect

Horst Spielmann, National German Centre for the Documentation and Evaluation of Alternative Methods to Animal Experiments (ZEBET), Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Berlin, Germany | PDF: download this presentation (384 kb)

ACuteTox - IP EU 6FP

Cecilia Clemedson, Scientific Coordinator, Expertradet, Sweden | PDF: download this presentation (434 kb)

Conam project: First Annual Review

Vera Rogiers, Dept. of Toxicology, Vrieje Universiteit Brussel, Belgium | PDF: download this presentation (111 kb)

Conam: Activities within Conam project

Vera Rogiers, Dept. of Toxicology, Vrieje Universiteit Brussel, Belgium | PDF: download this presentation (35 kb)

Novel Testing Strategies for In Vitro assessment of Allergens

Erwin L. Roggen, Science Manager, Immunology, Novozymes AS | PDF: download this presentation (71 kb)

Optimisation of liver and intestine in vitro models for pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics studies

LINTOP - LIver, INTestine OPtimisation | PDF: download this presentation (61 kb)

Carcinogenomics - Development of a high throughput genomics-based test for assessing genotoxic and carcinogenic properties of chemical compounds in vitro

Joost van Delft, Dept. of Health Risk Analysis & Toxicology, Maastricht University, The Netherlands | PDF: download this presentation (283 kb)

Danish Platform (DACOPA), Status December 2005

Ove Svendon, DSc, PhD, DVM | PDF: download this presentation (42 kb)

HUCOPA - Hard First Steps

Lajos Balogh, "Fodor Josef" National Center of Health, National "Frederic Joliot Curie" Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, Budapest | PDF: download this presentation (376 kb)

Polcopa - Establishing the Polish Platform

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National Consensus Platform: Ireland

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The current situation of the founding of a consensus platform in Norway

Live Kleveland, The Norwegian Animal Welfare Alliance & The Norwegian School of Veterinary Science | PDF: download this presentation (32 kb)