
Wednesday, Feb. 01, 2006
09:00Welcome and Opening
Chairperson Prof. Dr.Vera Rogiers, ecopa-Toxicology VUB, Brussels, BE
SESSION 1: “‘New’ REACH – current status of REACH legislation and implementation proposed.” Chairperson Dr. B. Garthoff, ecopa – Bayer CropScience AG, Monheim, DE
09:15“Aspects of the ‘new’ REACH”
Representatives Commission,
Mr. Mark Blainey, DG ENV
09:45“REACH outcome and implementation aspects”
Representative EU Commission Scientific Advisory Committees,
Prof.Dr. Jim W. Bridges, Surrey University, Surrey, UK
10:15“Data sharing models existing: experiences”
Representative EU Commission Scientific Advisory Committees,
Dr. Jean-Claude Lahaut, Representative of CEFIC, Brussels, BE
11:15Coffee break
SESSION 2: “What´s next?” Chairperson Prof. V. Rogiers, ecopa-Toxicology VUB, Brussels, BE (c)
11:15“The alternative point of view”
Dr.Kirsty Reid, Eurogroup for Animal Welfare, Brussels, BE
11:45“What has been achieved under REACH”
Dr. Gernot Klotz, European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry, Leverkusen, DE
SESSION 3: “Proposals for the execution of REACH, Points to be considered “ Chairperson Prof.Dr.Horst Spielmann, ecopa, ZEBET Berlin, DE
14:00“Results of the ecopa-sensitivity analysis regarding animal testing in the ‘new’ REACH programme: The Animal use Calculator! “
Dr. Karsten Mueller, ecopa Working Group 2 on Chemicals/Politics, BASF, Ludwigshafen, DE
14:30“Societal Aspects of REACH and alternatives to animal experimentation”
Dr. Kurt Fassbender, Institute for Public Law, University of Bonn, Bonn, DE
15:00Coffee break
15:30“Alternative methods already in existence for the REACH implementation”
Prof. Dr.Thomas Hartung, ihcp ECVAM, DG JRC, Ispra, I
“REACH: What does it mean in regard to the 3Rs Principle?”
Moderator Dr. Simon Webb, ecopa Working Group 2 on Chemicals/Politics, P&G, Brussels
Representatives of Stakeholders of Member States
  • Animal Welfare: Dr. Ursula Sauer, Eurogroup for Animal Welfare, Brussels, BE
  • Government: Prof. Dr. Horst Spielmann, ZEBET, Berlin, DE
  • Environmental NGO: Dr. Ninja Reineke, WWF, Brussels, BE
  • Academia: Prof. Dr. Jose Castell, Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia, SP
  • Chemical/Consumer Industries: Dr. Odile de Silva, L´Óreal, Paris, F
17:00Wrap up