
“Potential Improvement in the Development of Alternative Methods: Needs in Risk Assessment of New Technologies vs Use of Alternatives”
B. Garthoff
Treasurer ecopa
Bayer AG, Leverkusen, D
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“Alternative Methods: Alternative Methods: The Challenge of New TechnologiesThe Challenge of New Technologies”
H. J. Ahr
Wuppertal, Bayer HealthCare AG, Special Toxicology
PDF: download this presentation (136 kb)

“Evidence-based toxicology: does it work for long-term toxicity testing?”
Andrew G Smith
Leicester University, UK
PDF: download this presentation (420 kb)

“The ecopa, Eurogroup and P&G Analysis: A Review of National Public Funding Programmes for 3Rs Alternatives in Europe”
Simon Webb (for the working team)
PDF: download this presentation (280 kb)

“Wish-list of Animal Welfare”
Kirsty Reid
Policy Officer for Research Animals, EWLA/Eurogroup for Animals
PDF: download this presentation (244 kb)

Christian Wimmer
European Commission – DG Research Health Directorate
PDF: download this presentation (192 kb)

“What do we really have versus what is really needed? – The Industry-View”
Philippe Vanparys, PhD
Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development Beerse, Belgium
PDF: download this presentation (432 kb)

“What do we really have vs. what is really needed?: the view from Academia”
José V. Castell
University of Valencia, School of Medicine & University Hospital La Fe
PDF: download this presentation (524 kb)

“Alternative methods: what we have and what we need a regulatory view”

Aldert Piersma
PDF: download this presentation (308 kb)

“3Rs in Safety Assessment in Pharmaceutical Industry”
Prof. Friedlieb Pfannkuch, MD
PDF: download this presentation (340 kb)

“Driving forces; Key legislations; The ‘decade of toxicology’? Are we ready ?; Independent assessment of alternative methods”
Claudius Griesinger, Thomas Hartung, ECVAM team
PDF: download this presentation (744 kb)

“Disappointment or hopes for new methodology?”
Vera Rogiers
Chair of ecopa
Head of Dept. of Toxicology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
PDF: download this presentation (416 kb)

“False Positive Results in In Vitro Genotoxicity Testing: Future Approaches”
Dr Paul Carmichael
PDF: download this presentation (448 kb)

“General Annual Assembly”
Prof. Peter Maier
PDF: download this presentation (72 kb)

“Review of activities 2006-2007”
Vera Rogiers
Chair of ecopa
Head of Dept. of Toxicology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
PDF: download this presentation (224 kb)

“Scientific plans, new calls, status of projects & proposals for the 7th EU FP”

José V. Castell
Vice-president of ecopa
PDF: download this presentation (196 kb)

B. Garthoff
Treasurer ecopa
Bayer AG, Leverkusen, D

French Consensus platform for alternatives
PDF: download this presentation (144 kb)

“Norway’s National Consensus Platform”
PDF: download this presentation (200 kb)

“hucopa – what happened this year?!”
Lajos Balogh, Éva Hercsuth, Zsuzsa Somfai, László Pallós, Tibor Bartha
National ”F.J.C.” Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, Budapest, Hungary
PDF: download this presentation (276 kb)

“DACOPA: Danish Consensus Platform for 3R Alternatives to Animal Experimentation”
Jann Hau
Chair of Comparative Medicine
Head of Department of Experimental Medicine
University of Copenhagen and University Hospital of Copenhagen, Denmark
PDF: download this presentation (68 kb)

“Elections 07”
PDF: download this presentation (76 kb)