
10-11 November 2011 | Madrid, Spain
Agenda for 10 November – Board Meeting & General Assembly
8:00 Board Meeting 10:30 Coffee Break & Welcome to NCP Representatives 11:00 General Assembly (Board Members & NCP Representatives) 13:30 Lunch 15:00 Elections 17:30 Meeting of New Board
Presentations of NCPs at the General Assembly
Programme for 11 November – Annual Conference
9:00 Welcome (ecopa & REMA) 9:15 Alternatives in Upcoming EU Framework Programmes (European Commission, BE) 9:35 SEURAT Project (Maurice Whelan, European Commission JRC, Ispra, IT) 9:55 AXLR8 Project (Troy Seidle, HSI, UK) 10:15 New Advances (Janna de Boer, ZonMW, NL) 10:25 Coffee Break & Poster Session 11:00 Joint CAAT-Europe / ecopa Actions (Thomas Hartung, CAAT, US) 11:20 Inconsistencies in EU Data Requirements (Roman Kolar, DTB/Eurogroup, DE) 11:40 Challenges for the Implementation of Directive 2010/63/EU (Oscar Dignoes, Environment Ministry, ES) 12:00 Round Table 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Coordination of Validation Strategies (Joachim Kreysa, ECVAM, IT) 14:20 The Future of the Validation Process (Manfred Liebsch, ZEBET, DE) 14:40 The Point of View of Industry (Philippe Vanparys, CARDAM, BE) 15:00 The Point of View of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Joan Albert Vericat, Noscira, ES) 15:20 Coffee Break & Poster Session 16:20 Challenges for the 2014 World Congress in Prague (Dagmar Jírová, CZECOPA, CZ) 16:35 Scientific Communications (Selected Posters) & Awards (ecopa & REMA) 17:00 Conclusions & End of Meeting