IPAM Annual Meeting:
3D bioprinting as an opportunity for replacement

The 2022 Annual meeting of the Italian National Platform will take place next 1st December in Milan, Italy. This year the topic is 3D bioprinting as an opportunity for replacement. 3D bioprinting represents the future of the research for the simulation of diseases and modelling experiments for the development of new drugs. Key speakers from valuable research centres will talk about progress in this amazing field.
During the day, there will be the announcement of the two winners of the IPAM awards, addressed to young students who had master or PhD thesis on topics that are relevant for 3Rs.
- Amenities: Vegan coffee break and lunch
- Official language of the event: Italian
- Participation is free for the IPAM members.
- Registration accepted until the 28th November
- Contact email: ipamday2022@ipamitalia.org