Joint 3R Symposium | 19/21 September 2023 | Brussels

The Innovation Centre 3Rs (IC-3Rs), together with RE-Place and the EU-TWINALT consortium invite you to attend their first Joint Symposium where (inter)national scientists will provide an insight into their research using the most advanced 3R-alternative models.
The Joint 3R Symposium runs during 3 consecutive days and will start with a closed pre-meeting of the TWINALT consortium in the morning of the 19th September 2023. TWINALT is a European Horizon 2020 funded project between the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine (NIOM), the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) and the University of Milan (UMIL). The aim of TWINALT is to increase the capacity of the institute NIOM, based in the Widening Country Poland, towards available in vitro methods for toxicity testing by knowledge exchange and trainings. The afternoon session is open to all and will be devoted to keynote lectures on TWINALT relevant topics.
RE-Place is organizing the morning session on Wednesday the 20th of September. RE-Place is a scientific collaboration between the VUB and Sciensano, the Belgian institute of public health. RE-Place collects different types of replacement methods in one central database for which experience and expertise exists in Belgium. Six experts from the RE-Place database will be invited to present their work. During the afternoon session, young researchers will have the opportunity to competitively present their 3R research. Visit the ‘Call for abstracts’ page for more information.
The Annual IC-3Rs Symposium will be organized on the last day, Thursday the 21st of September. Until recently, most research in complex fields such as neurology, reproductive biology, neurotoxicology and reproductive toxicology, was carried out using experimental animals. However, studies of the brain and reproductive system in rodents rarely yield results applicable to humans. Therefore, new 3R-alternative methods for research on the brain and reproductive organs are emerging and will receive special attention during that day.
Poster sessions will be organized during coffee and lunch breaks over the full three days to trigger informal discussions among all participating researchers. Two prizes (250€ each) will be awarded: the best oral presentation by a young researcher and the most interesting poster