3Days for 3Rs | October 12th, 19th, and 26th | 2023

As in the previous edition (February 2022), 3 online seminars dedicated to each of the 3Rs, Refinement, Reduction and Replacement, were organized by IPAM – the Italian Platform on Alternative Methods.
- Email contact
- www.ipamitalia.org
IPAM 2023 programme
3days for 3Rs
The seminars will be held on a weekly basis according to the following schedule:
- Refinement | Thursday 12 October 2023 | 3.00pm - 5.15pm
- Reduction | Thursday 19 October 2023 | 3.00pm - 5.15pm
- Refinement | Thursday 26 October 2023 | 3.00pm - 5.15pm
The meetings will take remotely on the Microsoft TEAMS platform.
Participation in the seminars is free upon registration at the following email address: info@ipamitalia.org