BIOSQIN DAY | 09.10.2023
3D bioprinting of human skin and squamous cell tumors (SCCs) as advanced models for precision medicine

The final symposium of the “3D bioprinting of human skin and squamous cell tumors (SCCs)” – BIOSQIN project ( will be held in Rome next October 9th, 2023 at ISS, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italian National Institute of Health), in the seminar room “Aula Marotta”.
The project – funded by Regione Lazio within the granting frame “Gruppi di Ricerca 2020 – POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020” supported by the European Union – aimed to develop 3D-based cellular models of healthy and unhealthy skin to study pre-clinically anti-tumoral drugs comparing their efficacy in comparison to bidimensional (2D) cell culture models.
In particular, it has been investigated the efficacy of inhibitors of cell signalling pathways underlying the proliferative trigger(s) initiated by the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) interaction with its receptor EGFR. A monoclonal antibody (i.e., CetuxiMAb) inhibiting such interaction has been used as reference drug. Cell viability, apoptosis, necrosis, migration and biomarkers of the epithelial-mesenchinal transition EMT) has been used as main outcomes.
Overall, the symposium aims to divulgate the use of highly advanced cell culture models as improved physiologically relevant system in the world of alternative methods to animal experimentation to be used in pre-clinical studies.
Project data presentations will be introduced by an invited lecture by dr. Alessia Longoni of the Utrecht University on “3D bioprinting, a biofabrication approach to clinical research”.
The symposium will be concluded by a round-table on technological transfer of the project results to companies approaching the boundary of research outcomes and industrial needs.
Only in presence attendance will be available. To freely participate (no fees) within October 5th, 2023, it has to be filled in the online form available at: iscrizione. A confirmation E-mail will be sent within October 6th, 2023 at 3.00pm.
- Wednesday, October 9th
- viale Regina Elena 299 | 00161 Roma
Event Language: English
3D bioprinting di cute umana e tumori squamocellulari (SCC) quali modelli avanzati per la medicina di precisione – BIOSQIN
- 10.00 Registration of participants
- 10.30 Wellcome addresses (to be confirmed)
Rocco Bellantone, Head of Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Rome
Umberto Agrimi, Head of Dpt of Food Safety, Nutrition and Veterinary Public Health (DSANV) - 11.00 Introduction to the symposium: Isabella De Angelis, Stefano Lorenzetti (BIOSQIN coordinators)
- FIRST SESSION chaired by Elena Dellambra, Stefano Lorenzetti
- 11.15 Invited lecture: 3D bioprinting, a biofabrication approach to clinical research
Alessia Longoni, Utrecht University - 12.30 Techniques for generating skin and SCC models using 3D bioprinting
Sara Maria Giannitelli, BioCampus University, Rome - 12.50 Discussion on the first session
- 13.00 Lunch break
- FIRST SESSION chaired by Elena Dellambra, Isabella De Angelis
- 14.00 Characterization of skin and SCC models obtained by 3D bioprinting
Cristina Maria Failla, IDI-IRCCS, Rome - 14.20 2D and 3D tumor models for drug screening: drug selection
Stefano Lorenzetti, ISS, Rome - 14.40 Round table: Development of a stakeholders’ network and technology transfer to companies
Daniele Avitabile, Marcella Ribuffo, Alessio Tenoglio, Isabella De Angelis - 15.10 Discussion on the second session
- 15.30 Closing