Ecopa award for young scientists at EUROTOX 2023

ecopa, the European consensus-platform for alternatives, will grant an award to the best contribution of a young scientists presenting research on the 3Rs, and more specifically towards New Approach Methods (NAMs) without animal testing.
The Board of ecopa will assign the Award to one applicant. The amount of the Award is 500 Euros.
The selection will consider the originality and the effectiveness of the contribution as well as the commitment in promoting NAMs in the scientific environment. There is no restriction on academic qualification.
Please, submit your award application directly from the EURTOX 2023 registration page.
Applicants should:
- be born in 1993 or later
- be the first author of a contribution submitted to EUROTOX 2023 either as a poster or short oral presentation
- attend the conference in person and present his/her abstract
- submit a Curriculum Vitae during the award application