ecopa offers a grant to attend the fifth edition of the Summer School on Non-Animal Approaches in Science

The EURL ECVAM is organising the fifth edition of its Summer School on Non-Animal Approaches in Science.
It will be from Monday 19 May 2025 until Friday 23 May 2025, 15:16 (CEST) at the JRC in Ispra (Varese, Italy).
This school will present the advantages for conducting human and environmental relevant research and testing, that go beyond the ethical benefit of eliminating the use of animals, whether it is for studying disease mechanisms, developing new therapies or ensuring the safe and sustainable use of chemicals. Therefore, students and young scientists with interest in non-animal approaches are invited to participate.
Details of this summer school are in the dedicated website
Participation in the JRC Summer School is free of charge. However, participants need to cover the costs of their travel and accommodation. That is why ecopa is offering the opportunity to benefit of a 500€ grant to reimburse part of the costs to attend this school. Eligibility criteria are:
- Being admitted to the school and attending it in person
- Presenting a poster
- Demonstrating enthusiasm and commitment in promoting non animal method in personal research activities
If you’re interested in our proposal, please send your CV, abstract of the poster, proof of admission, plus motivation letter to Costanza Rovida ( and Stefano Lorenzetti ( before the 28th February or as soon as the acceptance is received by the organisers of the summer school.
Communication of the winner will be before the 15th March 2025.
Good luck!