ecopas General Assembly in 2014

[page_title] The 15th General Assembly of ecopa was held in Prague, Czech Republic, on 26 August 2014. The minutes of the Assembly can be read here.
ecopa’s General Assembly in 2015

[page_title] The 16th General Assembly of ecopa was held in Linz, Austria on 22 September 2015. The Assembly approved new statutes for ecopa. A new Board was elected for the next two years, representing the four stakeholders: Tuula Heinonen, President (academia) Deputy: Lisbeth Knudsen Philippe Hubert, Vice-President (government and regulatory authorities) Deputy: Manfred Liebsch Erwin […]
ECOPA General Assembly – 2013

[page_title] In 2013 ECOPA’s General Assembly will be hosted by the German “Foundation for the Promotion of Alternate and Complementary Methods to Reduce Animal Testing” – the SET Foundation. The General Assembly will be held on October 23rd, from 1 pm to 4 pm in the facilities of Novotel-Mainz in Mainz, Germany.
ECOPA Board Meeting- 2013

[page_title] DACOPA will host in 2013 an ECOPA board meeting, on September 24th in Vilvorde Course Center, Charlottenlund, Denmark, from 2 pm (14:00) on. This meeting is set prior to the congress on “Frontiers in Cell Toxicity Testing”, which is organised by the Section of Toxicology, DSTFM and Scandinavian Society for Cell Toxicology (SSCT), which […]
ecopa 2012 board meeting and general assembly

[page_title] This year’s annual meeting will be hosted by ecopa and the 3R Research Foundation, the platform for 3R alternatives in Switzerland, at the Technopark in Zurich. It is also a particular pleasure as this joint meeting marks also the 25 years jubilee of “The Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association” and the 25 years jubilee […]
In vitro models in (skin) sensitization: summer course July 3rd to 6th 2012

[page_title] summer course July 3rd to 6th 2012, Utrecht, The Netherlands (Summercourse-Sensizitation Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th of July 2012)
The 7th meeting of the Immunotoxicology and Chemical Allergy Speciality Section ITCASS

[page_title] ITCASS meeting 30th and 31st of August 2012 in Elsinore (Helsingør), Denmark (ITCASS meeting 2012 flyer ; ITCASS registration form 2012)
ECHA releases report on use of non-animal methods & testing strategies under REACH

[page_title] The European Chemicals Agency has published two major reports on the working of REACH and CLP Regulations and on the implementation and use of non-animal test methods and testing strategies. Video interviews with ECHA senior personnel can also be viewed online. Read more
28th workshop of SSCT and the FINCOPA seminar: Towards toxicity assessment without animals

[page_title] 21-23 September 2011 Tampere, FI Read more
ecopa 2011 conference & general assembly

[page_title] 10-11 November 2011 | Madrid, Spain Agenda for 10 November – Board Meeting & General Assembly 8:00 Board Meeting 10:30 Coffee Break & Welcome to NCP Representatives 11:00 General Assembly (Board Members & NCP Representatives) 13:30 Lunch 15:00 Elections 17:30 Meeting of New Board Presentations of NCPs at the General Assembly dacopa 10-11-11 dutch […]