ecopa’s Board, Treasurer and Secretary for 2018-2019
[page_title] ecopa’s Board represents the 4 stakeholder groups: Academia, Animal Welfare, Government and Industry. The Board Members for 2018-2019 are as follows: Academia: Tuula Heinonen (Finland, Vice-President)Philippe Vanparys (Belgium, Deputy) Animal Welfare: Kristina Wagner (Germany)Marianne Norring (Finland, Deputy) Government: Philippe Hubert (France, President)Stefano Lorenzetti (Italy, Deputy) Industry: Erwin Roggen (Denmark)Costanza Rovida (Italy, Deputy) ecopa’s Treasurer: […]
ecopa’s Strategy Document for 2017-2020
[page_title] ecopa’s Board approved a Strategy Document for the organisation for 2017-2020 at its meeting on 18 December 2017. The Document contains links to the current European National Consensus Platforms and Associate Members, a description of ecopa and its strategic goals, and its Grant Funding Procedures. The Document can be downloaded here.
ecopa SSCT Workshop and General Assembly, 14-16 June 2017
[page_title] ecopa held its annual General Assembly on 14 June 2017 during the ecopa SSCT Workshop in Helsinki, Finland from 14-16 June 2017, on the subject of Up-to-date in vitro approaches in regulatory risk assessment and disease modelling. In addition to three scientific sessions, there were Student Sessions where students presented their results, and Technical […]
ecopa’s General Assembly in 2016
[page_title] ecopa held its annual General Assembly in Copenhagen on Thursday 18 August 2016 in connection with the annual meeting of EEMGS (European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society). The EEMGS meeting was entitled ‘Bridging genomics, human environmental health risk assessment and the 3Rs in animal science’. The President of EEMGS is Professor Lisbeth Knudsen, past-President and […]
ecopa’s General Assembly in 2015
[page_title] The 16th General Assembly of ecopa was held in Linz, Austria on 22 September 2015. The Assembly approved new statutes for ecopa. A new Board was elected for the next two years, representing the four stakeholders: Tuula Heinonen, President (academia) Deputy: Lisbeth Knudsen Philippe Hubert, Vice-President (government and regulatory authorities) Deputy: Manfred Liebsch Erwin […]
Final START-UP report is now available
[page_title] The final report of the FP7-funded support action START-UP (Scientific and Technological Issues in 3Rs Alternatives Research in The Process of Drug Development and Union Politics) are now available. Developed on the initiative of ecopa and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel with collaboration from several NCPs, the aim of START-UP was to identify and make […]
US FDA accepts cell-based potency test for Botox
[page_title] California-based Allergan, Inc. has had its in-vitro, cell-based assay for testing the stability and potency of Botox and Botox cosmetic, approved by the FDA. Allergan has claimed that the use of the new assay will reduce the use of animal testing by up to an estimated 95 percent, over the course of the next […]
ECHA releases report on use of non-animal methods & testing strategies under REACH
[page_title] The European Chemicals Agency has published two major reports on the working of REACH and CLP Regulations and on the implementation and use of non-animal test methods and testing strategies. Video interviews with ECHA senior personnel can also be viewed online. Read more
Commission publishes stakeholder input on implementation date for animal-tested cosmetics marketing ban
[page_title] The European Commission has published inputs received from stakeholders in response to its targeted consultation concerning the proposed 2013 implementation date for an EU marketing ban for cosmetics containing ingredients tested on animals. Read more
Call for submissions for EPAA 3Rs communication prize
[page_title] Deadline: 5 September 2011. EPAA is offering a €3000 prize for an essay or article that broadens awareness of the importance to promote alternative approaches in safety assessment and regulatory compliance testing. As this year the EPAA’s lead theme is ”Integrated Testing Strategies (ITS) and their impact on the implementation of the 3Rs” the […]